Please click HERE to view Terms & Conditions. Literature: The gun features in Graham Greener's book 'The Greener Collections - Collections of Guns, Animals, Birds and Memorabilia', pages 87-89 Greener's own self-acting ejector, this example is the number two gun of a pair, probably made to accompany a number one gun made some years earlier' Made a long time after the introduction of W.W. Greener subsequently modified this type of ejector system in 1881 but continued to make guns based on Needham's original ejectors although examples are rare. Company archives for this period are missing but this shotgun is an example of the world's first ejector shotguns invented by J.V. GREENER 12 BORE Self-acting Ejector Shotgun, serial no. Provenance: The makers have kindly supplied the following information on the gun:
Best prices for ANGELO ZOLI shotguns, pistols and rifles at Best Guns. boldly-figured 'rational' stock including buttplate, horn inset drop points, fore-end with Deeley & Edge patent release catch, horn finial and inset with a small blank circular silver escutcheon, weight 6lb. Greener, Lanber, Mossberg, Remington, Webley & Scott and Winchester. 1205 of 1874, action flats with Greener trade mark, right sideplate with automatic lever safety, fine and bold acanthus scroll engraving, 14 7/8in. in both, action incorporating Needham patent ejector, patent no. lined nitro reproved barrels, rib engraved 'W. A RARE 12-BORE 1874 PATENT NEEDHAM TYPE SELF-ACTING EJECTOR, serial no.